Useful information
How can you find out what electric car charging station you need?
When choosing an electric car charging station, you need to understand what charging current capacity (AC-alternating current and/or DC-direct current) and how many phases the chosen electric car can handle. It is important to know what the charging plug - cable is, there are mostly two types: Type 1 (Type 1) and Type 2 (Type 2). The type 2 plug is mostly used. It is presented in the technical data of the electric car!
What is the electricity connection in the place where I want to install the charging station?
How is the order paid?
How do I receive the charging station?
How is the charging station installed?
When do you need to use a charging station with authorization (RFID, PIN code) or network connectivity (WiFi, 3G, 4G)?
What if I can't find the answer to an unclear question?
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